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Things I love about Singapore!!! Singlish
Bitched on: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Time: 8/21/2007 07:33:00 PM
Suddenly feeling very patriotic.
In the spirit of the Republic's National Day, allow me to blog about what I love about Singapore.
Singlish. Where did it come from? What's its influence? Whatever it is, Singlish sets us locals apart from the foreigners, expats or sin chiaos (newcomers). Be proud of it, we are only 42 years of age and we have our own accent (some see it as our own hybrid of the English language).
So what if the foreigner doesn't understand us? Do they care that we have a hard time understanding their American or Australian or British accents?
And I simply love the fact that Singlish gets its sentence structure and wide vocabulary from our many native Asian languages. Chapalang...
See? One word can explain so much. That's Singlish for you.
What's happening to mainstream music (pop, RnB, rock or punk rock) nowadays?
Its like becoming crappy nonsensical gibberish...
Goodness.. Its hard to hear good music on any radio.
You know what I'm talking about, those songs that either keep repeating the bloody chorus (you call that a chorus?) or some bloody dumb-ass rap which totally doesn't make any freaking sense...
And for every singer who have produced a good song, ten singers would have produced bad songs... Any singer, good or bad, is not spared from this 'musical' disaster.
Take Fergie, I loved her 'Big Girls Don't Cry'. Her other songs? Don't get me started about her 'Fergie-licious'. Try listening closely to Gwen Stefani's 'Wind it up'? Does it make any sense?
Songs with bad arrangement, rhythm, melody and lyrics are slowly creeping in... Not only into the radios, but into our handphones, iPods and even our heads! You can't stop singing or humming these Godforsaken tune.
Circle circle dot dot. Bouncy bouncy smack smack. (get the picture?)
Enough of these kinds of songs!!!! Yucks... I will dig my eyeballs out when I hear 'Beautiful Girls' on the next ringing phone of a bloody mat...
I admit, I'm kinda biased. Its hard for me to really love a song. Good songs come once in a blue moon.
Now I'm totally consumed with the song 'Running Away'. And I heard it first from a TV show of all sources (Ghost Whisperer). I love the lyrics. And the melody. Good songs should have good meaningful lyrics, is it too much to ask? 'Soulmate' from Natasha Bedingfield also strikes a cord (so me... haiz... so emo...). 'Side of Me' from Corrinne May (so nice)...
And yeah, been a while since I updated about my sunflowers or should I say sunflower, only one seedling survived to grow into a full-grown flower.
It died this morning... So Sad...But it did manage to bloom with all its glory before withering away...
Lemme just grieve and post some pictures in loving memory of my flower (the following shots were taken just 2 days ago)...
Bitched on: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 Time: 8/15/2007 09:35:00 PM
First day of school was nothing eventful... Just got to see all my friends again (like I haven't seen enough of them during the holidays...) and my brand new studio tutor. He's this cool arty farty dude with a ponytail by the way... uber cool... but yeah, its too soon to tell what kind of tutor he is. Plus I have a Korean classmate and she's so kawaii (I know that's Japanese...)...
Subasayo, Shazi ingmida. Arasoh? Irremi moyah? (I think its spelt that way...)
I've just read my entry on the first day of school last year. I sounded kinda pathetic longing for any human company...
That's old news, cause now I feel like I can't walk down the corridor without saying 'hi'. I know that that might have sounded a bit thick-skinned. But in my defence, I feel like I'm not Mr Popular but more like Mr High Profile...
Some times a guy just needs a little emo moment alone...
Oh... I just wanna say that I finally got my Chinese Language module after bidding hundred of points on it!!! Yay!!!
And I'm also taking a module on 'History of Imperial China to the 18th century' too. I know... what's happening to me, right? lol...
Getting so cheena-fied all of the sudden. Worrying. Muahaha.. ... But don't worry, I won't neglect my Korean roots (*pukes*).
Bitched on: Monday, August 13, 2007 Time: 8/13/2007 07:08:00 PM
Updated: See the new video of the RAG 2007. Enjoy!!
I can't believe that one year has passed since my dancing days back in SDE (School of Design and Environment) RAG 2006.
Its time to pass the dancing shoes to the freshies and get my ass to work behind the scenes and get to work on the float. Now, my peers are the ones manning the stern - Jiawei's the RAG head and Bert's the Float Head.
Yes, after days burning under the hot sun for the Istana event, I dove straight back into RAG preparations. Once again, nights were sleepless and days were spent under the hot sun. Now, I am beyond black (so burnt... no....)...
But it was all worth it. We won 7 of the awards and one of these is the President Shield for Best Float!! 3 years in a row baby!!! Hopefully the tradition continues for many years to come.
Well done freshies, both the floaters and dancers, these 7 awards really belong to you guys.
PS: And well done too to Science Faculty, a worthy opponent; neck to neck in the race to sweep all of the awards.
I will upload a better version of the video (clearer and more from the central area) once I can get my hands on the video.
Bitched on: Friday, August 10, 2007 Time: 8/10/2007 12:12:00 AM
The Makcik selling food at the canteen of the Istana was asking me what I was doing in the Istana ('palace' in Malay; to mean the Singapore's version of the Buckingham Palace; though, in this case the President doesn't actually stay there).
I mumbled something in a mix of Malay and English...
Bitched on: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Time: 8/21/2007 07:33:00 PM
Suddenly feeling very patriotic.
In the spirit of the Republic's National Day, allow me to blog about what I love about Singapore.
Singlish. Where did it come from? What's its influence? Whatever it is, Singlish sets us locals apart from the foreigners, expats or sin chiaos (newcomers). Be proud of it, we are only 42 years of age and we have our own accent (some see it as our own hybrid of the English language).
So what if the foreigner doesn't understand us? Do they care that we have a hard time understanding their American or Australian or British accents?
And I simply love the fact that Singlish gets its sentence structure and wide vocabulary from our many native Asian languages. Chapalang...
See? One word can explain so much. That's Singlish for you.
What's happening to mainstream music (pop, RnB, rock or punk rock) nowadays?
Its like becoming crappy nonsensical gibberish...
Goodness.. Its hard to hear good music on any radio.
You know what I'm talking about, those songs that either keep repeating the bloody chorus (you call that a chorus?) or some bloody dumb-ass rap which totally doesn't make any freaking sense...
And for every singer who have produced a good song, ten singers would have produced bad songs... Any singer, good or bad, is not spared from this 'musical' disaster.
Take Fergie, I loved her 'Big Girls Don't Cry'. Her other songs? Don't get me started about her 'Fergie-licious'. Try listening closely to Gwen Stefani's 'Wind it up'? Does it make any sense?
Songs with bad arrangement, rhythm, melody and lyrics are slowly creeping in... Not only into the radios, but into our handphones, iPods and even our heads! You can't stop singing or humming these Godforsaken tune.
Circle circle dot dot. Bouncy bouncy smack smack. (get the picture?)
Enough of these kinds of songs!!!! Yucks... I will dig my eyeballs out when I hear 'Beautiful Girls' on the next ringing phone of a bloody mat...
I admit, I'm kinda biased. Its hard for me to really love a song. Good songs come once in a blue moon.
Now I'm totally consumed with the song 'Running Away'. And I heard it first from a TV show of all sources (Ghost Whisperer). I love the lyrics. And the melody. Good songs should have good meaningful lyrics, is it too much to ask? 'Soulmate' from Natasha Bedingfield also strikes a cord (so me... haiz... so emo...). 'Side of Me' from Corrinne May (so nice)...
And yeah, been a while since I updated about my sunflowers or should I say sunflower, only one seedling survived to grow into a full-grown flower.
It died this morning... So Sad...But it did manage to bloom with all its glory before withering away...
Lemme just grieve and post some pictures in loving memory of my flower (the following shots were taken just 2 days ago)...
Bitched on: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 Time: 8/15/2007 09:35:00 PM
First day of school was nothing eventful... Just got to see all my friends again (like I haven't seen enough of them during the holidays...) and my brand new studio tutor. He's this cool arty farty dude with a ponytail by the way... uber cool... but yeah, its too soon to tell what kind of tutor he is. Plus I have a Korean classmate and she's so kawaii (I know that's Japanese...)...
Subasayo, Shazi ingmida. Arasoh? Irremi moyah? (I think its spelt that way...)
I've just read my entry on the first day of school last year. I sounded kinda pathetic longing for any human company...
That's old news, cause now I feel like I can't walk down the corridor without saying 'hi'. I know that that might have sounded a bit thick-skinned. But in my defence, I feel like I'm not Mr Popular but more like Mr High Profile...
Some times a guy just needs a little emo moment alone...
Oh... I just wanna say that I finally got my Chinese Language module after bidding hundred of points on it!!! Yay!!!
And I'm also taking a module on 'History of Imperial China to the 18th century' too. I know... what's happening to me, right? lol...
Getting so cheena-fied all of the sudden. Worrying. Muahaha.. ... But don't worry, I won't neglect my Korean roots (*pukes*).
Bitched on: Monday, August 13, 2007 Time: 8/13/2007 07:08:00 PM
Updated: See the new video of the RAG 2007. Enjoy!!
I can't believe that one year has passed since my dancing days back in SDE (School of Design and Environment) RAG 2006.
Its time to pass the dancing shoes to the freshies and get my ass to work behind the scenes and get to work on the float. Now, my peers are the ones manning the stern - Jiawei's the RAG head and Bert's the Float Head.
Yes, after days burning under the hot sun for the Istana event, I dove straight back into RAG preparations. Once again, nights were sleepless and days were spent under the hot sun. Now, I am beyond black (so burnt... no....)...
But it was all worth it. We won 7 of the awards and one of these is the President Shield for Best Float!! 3 years in a row baby!!! Hopefully the tradition continues for many years to come.
Well done freshies, both the floaters and dancers, these 7 awards really belong to you guys.
PS: And well done too to Science Faculty, a worthy opponent; neck to neck in the race to sweep all of the awards.
I will upload a better version of the video (clearer and more from the central area) once I can get my hands on the video.
Bitched on: Friday, August 10, 2007 Time: 8/10/2007 12:12:00 AM
The Makcik selling food at the canteen of the Istana was asking me what I was doing in the Istana ('palace' in Malay; to mean the Singapore's version of the Buckingham Palace; though, in this case the President doesn't actually stay there).
I mumbled something in a mix of Malay and English...