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Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
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Bitched on: Thursday, June 15, 2006
They are out there. Time: 6/15/2006 08:44:00 PM They look like your friends. But... They are one of them. And they want you to join them. Be one of them. And convert your other friends too. You can't never know who to trust anymore. They are out to get you... All of you... You must be wondering now, what the hell has gotten into you, Shazi? Just read on. All this will make sense later. I'm talking about friends who come back from the 'dead' to meet up with you again. Those 'pesky' friends you haven't heard in YEARS... .. who call you up out of the blue and say let's meet up and have 'coffee'... Sure that sounds nice and nostalgic but there is a catch. Never take the bait. They are not going out to 'catch up' with you after years of absence. No. They want to use you... I know. I had that encounter before. A year back, a couple of my good friends called me. "Let's catch up." "Watch movie?" "Sure why not." So me (gullible and naive at that time) went there wearing flip flops and berms. Them? They greeted me at the meeting place wearing long-sleeved shirts, pants and leather shoes, complete with briefcases. I still had no idea what was going on (I was THAT DENSE... Was? Still is...). I didn't realise I had fallen into their trap until they took out paper after paper of 'their work'. And explained to me 'their work'. Over and over again. And finally 'invited' me over to their 'workplace' to meet their 'boss'. That was the last bait this fish was not going to take... I bolted out of the place after declining as 'politely' as I could. Now I'm wiser. Recently, out of NO WHERE, a friend called me up, made a really stupid attempt at 'small talk' and then asked if I was free for 'coffee'. I know what to say now. "Sure, I'll call the others. We'll have a get-together, everyone." That get-together is as likely to happen as a pig flying. Never gonna happen. If you are still clueless about what (the hell) am I talking about, you must be more dense than me. The 'work' in question is Multi Level Marketing (MLM) or simply put 'network marketing'. What the hell is it? (Man, you are so dense...) It is like pyramid selling (though these 'friends' of mine will stay clear of using that word, cause pyramid selling is ILLEGAL). You pay (usually over S$1000) to join the scheme.... I mean the 'job'. Then, you get more people to join. The more people you get, the more you are paid. That's like pyramid selling, isn't it? To make these 'activities' less 'illegal' and suspicious, these 'companies' include 'products'. Yes, 'products' that are as useless as they are 'breakthroughs' in Science. Magnetic matresses, herbal pills and 'magic stones', you name it, all USELESS. A friend of mine (who also stayed clear of the 'job') made this really good analogy. Its like your friends asking you to join them in a well for them to stand on your head, a step closer for them to get out of the well. So you ask your other friends to come into the well so you too can get a step closer out. And the cycle continues... My thought is, "Why get into the well in the first place?" Easy money. That is so typical Singaporean. I believe in HARD WORK for your own money. Some have dreams of finally being at the top. But there will always be someone above you, what... Keep on dreaming... Unless you start your own pyramid scheme (I'm not giving you ideas)... I'm not really against this kind of job. What I am against is 'using your friends'.... I felt so used and betrayed when I met my two friends mentioned earlier. They wanted to meet me, not because they wanted to catch up with me and watch a movie, they had other plans... How 'heartless' is that? That set my mind not to join MLM. Yes, you will get to meet new people. Yes, you will get the experience. Yes, you will eventually get richer. But not at the expense of other people. But not all of my friends who joined MLM are like that. A really great friend of mine asked me if I minded him joining the 'trap'. I joked that I would 'disown' him. But he joined nevertheless. And he never once asked me to go to his 'meetings'. He never pressured me, thankfully. The two friends of mine however, eventually ran out of steam. They are now no longer as active as last time. Stagnant. Stuck in the well. Me? I'm happily peeing into the well. Warning: Do not dare ask me out for all this crap and bullshit. I warn you first. And no coffee! I will give you coffee, made of shit and pee... Labels: Singapore stories, ugly Singaporean 0 comments ![]() ![]() |
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