The Elite Bitch.
Bitched on: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Time: 11/15/2006 05:51:00 PM
Crap, its Wednesday again. I hate Wednesdays. Not because it doesn't have good TV shows ('cept Project Runway maybe); but because it has the worst show ever in the history of Channel 5 - "On the Finer Side".
The show really irks me like crazy. I mean, who wants to watch people (freaking rich people) splurge money like water? Bloody elitists, swimming in their parents' money; speaking in faux accents, working in their family company as undeserving CEOs or living in homes bigger than orphanages.
Might as well have an episode dedicated to how this people wipe their arses with thousand dollar bills in the loo. Argh!!!!
I'm not jealous or anything (God, its obvious I am), I just don't need to be reminded that I'm not as... 'privileged'! I want to swim in a pool of money (not figuratively but literally like Mr Scrouge McDuck) and I want to wipe my arse with money too!
Stupid Dick Lee. Please lah, if he wasn't born into that family, would he be enjoying his life like that? And Denise dear, you should go for 'mouth' reduction (if there is such a thing). Dumb ass show. They should really can it. Or better yet, show it after a TV show like My Life Story, Extraordinary People or some other shows showing underprivileged people in need of some charity help or people who work their arse off to get where they are now.
Now that would be a slap to all the rich folks' over-Botoxed faces.
Anyway, that's off my chest; here's what I really wanted to blog about. That case about that elitist brat 'berating' a middle class working Singaporean. Here's the summary:
"A teenage blogger has found herself in the soup after comments she made in her online journal were criticised by many Internet users for being insensitive and elitist. Raffles Junior College student Wee Shu Min, a daughter of MP Wee Siew Kim, sparked a heated debate on the Internet when she derided another blogger, Mr Derek Wee, for his views on the anxieties of Singapore workers. Miss Wee, a second-year student on RJC's Humanities Scholarship Programme, has since shut down her blog and apologised for her comments, though not directly to Mr Derek Wee. Mr Wee, 35, a Singaporean who works for a multinational corporation, had written in his blog on Oct 12 that he was concerned about competition from foreign talent and the lack of job opportunities for older workers here. He urged the Government to understand Singaporeans' plight. Last Thursday, Miss Wee responded to him on her blog, calling him old and unmotivated and said he was overly reliant on the Government."
Aiyoh, what has Singapore produced? Whiny working-class Singaporeans and on the other scale, elitist scumbags?
So this is what she actually wrote on her (now-closed down) blog:
Thursday, October 19, 2006
mom's friend sent her some blog post by some bleeding stupid 40-year old singaporean called derek wee (WHY do all the idiots have my surname why?!) whining about how singapore is such an insecure place, how old ppl(ie, 40 and above) fear for their jobs, how the pool of foreign "talent" (dismissively chucked between inverted commas) is really a tsunami that will consume us all (no actually he didn't say that, he probably said Fouren Talern Bery Bad.), how the reason why no one wants kids is that they're a liability in this world of fragile ricebowls, how the government really needs to save us from inevitable doom but they aren't because they are stick-shoved-up-ass elites who have no idea how the world works, yadayadayadayada.
i am inclined - too much, perhaps - to dismiss such people as crackpots. stupid crackpots. the sadder class. too often singaporeans - both the neighborhood poor and the red-taloned socialites - kid themselves into believing that our society, like most others, is compartmentalized by breeding. ridiculous. we are a tyranny of the capable and the clever, and the only other class is the complement.
sad derek attracted more than 50 comments praising him for his poignant views, joining him in a chorus of complaints that climax at the accusation of lack of press freedom because his all-too-true views had been rejected by the straits times forum. while i tend to gripe about how we only have one functioning newspaper too, i think the main reason for its lack of publication was that his incensed diatribe was written in pathetic little scraps that passed off as sentences, with poor spelling and no grammar.
derek, derek, derek darling, how can you expect to have an iron ricebowl or a solid future if you cannot spell?
if you're not good enough, life will kick you in the balls. that's just how things go. there's no point in lambasting the government for making our society one that is, i quote, "far too survival of fittest". it's the same everywhere. yes discrimination exists, and it is sad, but most of the time if people would prefer hiring other people over you, it's because they're better. it's so sad when people like old derek lament the kind of world that singapore will be if we make it so uncertain. go be friggin communist, if uncertainty of success offends you so much - you will certainly be poor and miserable. unless you are an arm-twisting commie bully, which, given your whiny middle-class undereducated penchant, i doubt.
then again, it's easy for me to say. my future isn't certain but i guess right now it's a lot brighter than most people's. derek will read this and brand me as an 18-year old elite, one of the sinners who will inherit the country and run his stock to the gutter. go ahead. the world is about winners and losers. it's only sad when people who could be winners are marginalised and oppressed. is dear derek starving? has dear derek been denied an education? has dear derek been forced into child prostitution? has dear derek had his clan massacred by the government?
i should think not. dear derek is one of many wretched, undermotivated, overassuming leeches in our country, and in this world. one of those who would prefer to be unemployed and wax lyrical about how his myriad talents are being abandoned for the foreigner's, instead of earning a decent, stable living as a sales assistant. it's not even about being a road sweeper.
these ****bags don't want anything without "manager" and a name card.
please, get out of my elite uncaring face.
posted at 12:08 PM
And here's her public apology:
i apologise if i have distressed you with my tendency to rant. while i will not dispute some of the points you make in response to what i have written, i would like to bring to your attention the fact that the post in question was never meant to be a cogent response to the specific points raised in derek wee's article. it is, quite obviously, a rant in the heat of the moment. in addition, i don't believe that my blog has the wide readership of derek wee's, or even your own, and my intention was more to vent my own frustrations than public denouncement.
i'd also like to clarify my use of the word "elite". while i understand how misinterpretation may have arose, i intended to use it in irony, as a label that people assume i enjoy, and not one that i take particular pleasure in.
finally, i admit that i was harsher than i should have been, although the the crux of my belief in self-improvement and self-determination has not changed. once again, i apologise if my words have unintentionally offended you - i was under the rather naive impression that nobody reads my blog. Too little to late for apologies. What's written has been written.
He might be a 'leech to the government', but you my dear, are a leech to your father. All the luxuries you have right now, are not yours. You didn't deserve it. You didn't work your arse off for it. You will inherit it from your dad (and your dad probably inherited it from his dad). Your future will be bright I'm sure, but not because you earned it, you inherited it.
I come from a 'middle class' family. My dad (and I have not one ounce of shame in me) is a blue collared worker. My mum is a housewife. Both of them are wonderful parents who have produced exceptional children (ehem..). My parents are, in your words, 'middle class undereducated' folks. Am I ashamed? Hell no. Its my Dad's humble paycheck that brought my sisters and I through school. You probably won't understand having an overpaid MP father.
As for me; I have worked my way up from a humble neighbourhood school to where I am now, university: Architecture, NUS mind you. I've never had any extra tuition like you privileged rich kids. My parents didn't help me with my studies cause they were not highly educated. I had to depend on myself, not even on my two now-successful sisters. I never had piano lessons or violin lessons or what have you. But I strived in my school's Drama and dance and choir. I learnt Art (drawing, painting) on my own and I am now bloody good at it.
My parents worked hard. And so did I.
I am articulate and confident. I have always been a leader in school and the Army; I am currently a committee member in my architecture society.
My friends think I come from a rich family or live in some landed property. But I don't.
Heck, what they think. Makes me prouder to say I am here not because of my parents' money but because of my own brains and natural talents.
And I am not ashamed to say that I aspire to be rich and successful, an 'elite' (like how you defined it) or a 'yuppie' even. Cause I want to break out of this 'middle class' circle. But yet, I will remember my humble beginnings when I do.
Like you've said, 'the world is about winners and losers'.
When I do make it, I will be the winner and you, my elite brat, will be the loser. Now please, get out of my working class (and soon to be an 'elite') uncaring face.
Latest Update: Some smart dude made this on Youtube with the computer game Sims. Kinda summed up the whole story.
The Elite Bitch.
Bitched on: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Time: 11/15/2006 05:51:00 PM
Crap, its Wednesday again. I hate Wednesdays. Not because it doesn't have good TV shows ('cept Project Runway maybe); but because it has the worst show ever in the history of Channel 5 - "On the Finer Side".
The show really irks me like crazy. I mean, who wants to watch people (freaking rich people) splurge money like water? Bloody elitists, swimming in their parents' money; speaking in faux accents, working in their family company as undeserving CEOs or living in homes bigger than orphanages.
Might as well have an episode dedicated to how this people wipe their arses with thousand dollar bills in the loo. Argh!!!!
I'm not jealous or anything (God, its obvious I am), I just don't need to be reminded that I'm not as... 'privileged'! I want to swim in a pool of money (not figuratively but literally like Mr Scrouge McDuck) and I want to wipe my arse with money too!
Stupid Dick Lee. Please lah, if he wasn't born into that family, would he be enjoying his life like that? And Denise dear, you should go for 'mouth' reduction (if there is such a thing). Dumb ass show. They should really can it. Or better yet, show it after a TV show like My Life Story, Extraordinary People or some other shows showing underprivileged people in need of some charity help or people who work their arse off to get where they are now.
Now that would be a slap to all the rich folks' over-Botoxed faces.
Anyway, that's off my chest; here's what I really wanted to blog about. That case about that elitist brat 'berating' a middle class working Singaporean. Here's the summary:
"A teenage blogger has found herself in the soup after comments she made in her online journal were criticised by many Internet users for being insensitive and elitist. Raffles Junior College student Wee Shu Min, a daughter of MP Wee Siew Kim, sparked a heated debate on the Internet when she derided another blogger, Mr Derek Wee, for his views on the anxieties of Singapore workers. Miss Wee, a second-year student on RJC's Humanities Scholarship Programme, has since shut down her blog and apologised for her comments, though not directly to Mr Derek Wee. Mr Wee, 35, a Singaporean who works for a multinational corporation, had written in his blog on Oct 12 that he was concerned about competition from foreign talent and the lack of job opportunities for older workers here. He urged the Government to understand Singaporeans' plight. Last Thursday, Miss Wee responded to him on her blog, calling him old and unmotivated and said he was overly reliant on the Government."
Aiyoh, what has Singapore produced? Whiny working-class Singaporeans and on the other scale, elitist scumbags?
So this is what she actually wrote on her (now-closed down) blog:
Thursday, October 19, 2006
mom's friend sent her some blog post by some bleeding stupid 40-year old singaporean called derek wee (WHY do all the idiots have my surname why?!) whining about how singapore is such an insecure place, how old ppl(ie, 40 and above) fear for their jobs, how the pool of foreign "talent" (dismissively chucked between inverted commas) is really a tsunami that will consume us all (no actually he didn't say that, he probably said Fouren Talern Bery Bad.), how the reason why no one wants kids is that they're a liability in this world of fragile ricebowls, how the government really needs to save us from inevitable doom but they aren't because they are stick-shoved-up-ass elites who have no idea how the world works, yadayadayadayada.
i am inclined - too much, perhaps - to dismiss such people as crackpots. stupid crackpots. the sadder class. too often singaporeans - both the neighborhood poor and the red-taloned socialites - kid themselves into believing that our society, like most others, is compartmentalized by breeding. ridiculous. we are a tyranny of the capable and the clever, and the only other class is the complement.
sad derek attracted more than 50 comments praising him for his poignant views, joining him in a chorus of complaints that climax at the accusation of lack of press freedom because his all-too-true views had been rejected by the straits times forum. while i tend to gripe about how we only have one functioning newspaper too, i think the main reason for its lack of publication was that his incensed diatribe was written in pathetic little scraps that passed off as sentences, with poor spelling and no grammar.
derek, derek, derek darling, how can you expect to have an iron ricebowl or a solid future if you cannot spell?
if you're not good enough, life will kick you in the balls. that's just how things go. there's no point in lambasting the government for making our society one that is, i quote, "far too survival of fittest". it's the same everywhere. yes discrimination exists, and it is sad, but most of the time if people would prefer hiring other people over you, it's because they're better. it's so sad when people like old derek lament the kind of world that singapore will be if we make it so uncertain. go be friggin communist, if uncertainty of success offends you so much - you will certainly be poor and miserable. unless you are an arm-twisting commie bully, which, given your whiny middle-class undereducated penchant, i doubt.
then again, it's easy for me to say. my future isn't certain but i guess right now it's a lot brighter than most people's. derek will read this and brand me as an 18-year old elite, one of the sinners who will inherit the country and run his stock to the gutter. go ahead. the world is about winners and losers. it's only sad when people who could be winners are marginalised and oppressed. is dear derek starving? has dear derek been denied an education? has dear derek been forced into child prostitution? has dear derek had his clan massacred by the government?
i should think not. dear derek is one of many wretched, undermotivated, overassuming leeches in our country, and in this world. one of those who would prefer to be unemployed and wax lyrical about how his myriad talents are being abandoned for the foreigner's, instead of earning a decent, stable living as a sales assistant. it's not even about being a road sweeper.
these ****bags don't want anything without "manager" and a name card.
please, get out of my elite uncaring face.
posted at 12:08 PM
And here's her public apology:
i apologise if i have distressed you with my tendency to rant. while i will not dispute some of the points you make in response to what i have written, i would like to bring to your attention the fact that the post in question was never meant to be a cogent response to the specific points raised in derek wee's article. it is, quite obviously, a rant in the heat of the moment. in addition, i don't believe that my blog has the wide readership of derek wee's, or even your own, and my intention was more to vent my own frustrations than public denouncement.
i'd also like to clarify my use of the word "elite". while i understand how misinterpretation may have arose, i intended to use it in irony, as a label that people assume i enjoy, and not one that i take particular pleasure in.
finally, i admit that i was harsher than i should have been, although the the crux of my belief in self-improvement and self-determination has not changed. once again, i apologise if my words have unintentionally offended you - i was under the rather naive impression that nobody reads my blog. Too little to late for apologies. What's written has been written.
He might be a 'leech to the government', but you my dear, are a leech to your father. All the luxuries you have right now, are not yours. You didn't deserve it. You didn't work your arse off for it. You will inherit it from your dad (and your dad probably inherited it from his dad). Your future will be bright I'm sure, but not because you earned it, you inherited it.
I come from a 'middle class' family. My dad (and I have not one ounce of shame in me) is a blue collared worker. My mum is a housewife. Both of them are wonderful parents who have produced exceptional children (ehem..). My parents are, in your words, 'middle class undereducated' folks. Am I ashamed? Hell no. Its my Dad's humble paycheck that brought my sisters and I through school. You probably won't understand having an overpaid MP father.
As for me; I have worked my way up from a humble neighbourhood school to where I am now, university: Architecture, NUS mind you. I've never had any extra tuition like you privileged rich kids. My parents didn't help me with my studies cause they were not highly educated. I had to depend on myself, not even on my two now-successful sisters. I never had piano lessons or violin lessons or what have you. But I strived in my school's Drama and dance and choir. I learnt Art (drawing, painting) on my own and I am now bloody good at it.
My parents worked hard. And so did I.
I am articulate and confident. I have always been a leader in school and the Army; I am currently a committee member in my architecture society.
My friends think I come from a rich family or live in some landed property. But I don't.
Heck, what they think. Makes me prouder to say I am here not because of my parents' money but because of my own brains and natural talents.
And I am not ashamed to say that I aspire to be rich and successful, an 'elite' (like how you defined it) or a 'yuppie' even. Cause I want to break out of this 'middle class' circle. But yet, I will remember my humble beginnings when I do.
Like you've said, 'the world is about winners and losers'.
When I do make it, I will be the winner and you, my elite brat, will be the loser. Now please, get out of my working class (and soon to be an 'elite') uncaring face.
Latest Update: Some smart dude made this on Youtube with the computer game Sims. Kinda summed up the whole story.
About heBitch
Shazi ~ sHa-Z ~ Ezan ~ Izan
Typical Virgo:
perfectionistic, idealistic, vain, materialistic, elitistic, analytical, skeptical, devoted, loyal, romantic
Typical youngest child:
pampered, stubborn, spoiled, adventurous, demanding, free-spirited, spontaneous, charming, very much loved
I am a dreamer who keeps waking up to nightmares.
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Other Bitches
The Elite Bitch.
He-Bitch in the Middle East
He-Bitch in the US of A
He-Bitch Down Under
Strictly Architecture