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    Bitched on: Sunday, April 22, 2007
    Time: 4/22/2007 08:31:00 PM

    Miss Singapore Universe.


    So not worth watching.


    Jessica Tan won. No surprises there.

    But I think the real winner should have been Christabel Campbell. In the question and answer round when asked which sport will Singapore win its first Olympic gold medal in, she answered,

    "It depends if we're looking at local or foreign talent. We will win in whichever sport the Sports Association decides to import foreign talent for. Just look at table tennis.

    But for local, I'd say sailing because at the Doha games, we did get (quite a few) gold medals, so that's our best bet."

    Give the girl a tiger.

    Now, a girl who speaks her mind. That's hot.

    Sigh... Why are my favourites always getting third place?

    See here for more of the pictures from the Miss Singapore Universe pageant.

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    Blogger Goat Almighty said...

    you're right. that's hot.

    on a personal front, i don't mind foreign talents myself considering the big picture of us being a melting pot nation and all but they've got to intergrate lah.

    for starters, they could at least TRY to learn english. it's not so much to ask. nobody's asking them to learn the national language. just english will do, so we could all communicate on the same platform.

    7:19 AM  
    Blogger He-Bitch said...


    So so true. lol.

    9:16 PM  

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