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Answer the Call. Nature's Call.
Bitched on: Monday, July 09, 2007
Live Earth kicks ass. Time: 7/09/2007 11:18:00 PM Al Gore is the man. I bet everyone in the States must be collectively saying, "Why did we choose a trigger-happy illiterate monkey over him?" Nothing like a 24-hour concert with spectacular stage lights and sound systems in 7 cities around the world with millions of TV viewers and hippy-audience that says we care about saving the Earth by saving electricity and cutting back on waste and stuff. Rite... But yeah, GOOD effort. Love the short videos they showed in between commercial breaks especially the Polar Bear Man. Its so abstract but so painfully obvious. Cause that's what happening if we don't do anything and we continue to consume electrical energy and emit greenhouse gases at our current rate, the polar ice caps will melt and the polar bears will run out of places to live... All the short vids have been very inspirational, educational and light-hearted (doesn't downplay the serious messages though). Kudos. We should all wake up. There are a lot of things to be done and we, as normal people (not just jet-setting celebs), can do our part. Heck, I didn't know that leaving your phone charger switched on without the phone charging wasted energy. So people, do your part please. Reuse, reduce and recycle. Avoid using cars for short distances. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Do not leave anything on stand-by. Save water. Divide your rubbish into waste and recycleables. Use fans instead of turning on the air-conditioners. And yeah, turn of your chargers or other electrical appliances when not in use. So please. Global Warming is real. Face the facts. Its blatantly obvious all around you. Blogger's Note: Yes, I am still alive. Haven't had the energy or time to update. I'm super lazy nowadays. I got back from the Middle East like many weeks ago. Only uploaded the photos into the computer like last week. Then I had less than a week to prepare for the Freshmen Camp that I was heading (as the 'Head'). I'm not bragging... Its nothing really, being the Head is more or less like being the OC (Officer in Command) of a company. Just sit back and arrow. Just attend some meetings here and there, tops. Lol... I will blog more about the Middle Eastern trip and Freshmen Camp some day... Please someone nudge me... I am super lazy. And yeah, to my dearest Committee Members, OGLs, AOGLs and whoever who have made the camp a major success, here's a lil something something. Thank You! 0 comments |
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