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25 disgusting things about me.
Bitched on: Friday, February 13, 2009
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.Time: 2/13/2009 10:19:00 PM 1. About time someone tagged me. 7 people to be exact. Cos I love talking about me, me and me. And that is stomach churning-ly disgusting sometimes. Sometimes. 2. I love my niece. A lot. More than life. I go goo-goo gaa-gaa when I am with her. 3. I love my parents. I am a Mummy's boy without a doubt. I have no qualms about showing affection to my mum. And I cried buckets when my dad had a heart attack more than a year ago. 4. I am the youngest child in the family. Very typically spoilt, bratty and rebellious. I get my way most of the time. 5. I have very hairy feet. My friends who saw them once called me 'hobbit'. I sometimes have to trim them. Otherwise you can braid the hairs on my toes. 6. I have very hairy legs too. Just below the knee onwards. My friends called them 'leg pubes'... But I love my hairy legs. Once in Alaska, when my friends decided to go fishing, I was wearing only berms that day. Though it was freezing at the jetty that time (early spring in Alaska is as good as winter), I felt fine... same can't be said for my upper body even with a sweatshirt on... 7. My right nostril is more blocked than my left. I can breath normally but when I inhale deeply, I notice that only my left side of my nose 'deflates'. I would like to have a corrective surgery done on that... a small sharper nose would not hurt too... LOL. 8. Speaking of surgeries, I once had a growth removed on my lower lip. The doctor initially thought it might have been cancerous or something... But it was just a swelling salivary gland. 9. I think I might have slight dyslexia. Huge chunks of word give me headaches. Or maybe I am just 'cock-eyed'. 10. I have to keep saying the alphabet to find the letter I want in the dictionary. I somehow cannot remember the sequence of the letters without saying them out loud. 11. I have poor memory. I used to drink all kinds of sickening herbal soups or tonic drinks like there was once I drank a bottle of seahorse essence i.e. seahorse semen every night. 12. I wash my hair once in 2 days. After everytime I do, I would immediately wear a cap to 'keep' the aroma on. 13. I have a 'No-smoking' sign on the back of my door which I find very ironic. I hate the smell of smoke too... again, ironic. 14. I have been trying to weigh above 60kg. Even when I do, I would lose that few kilos almost immediately. Don't hate me but its easier for me to lose weight. 15. I wanna travel around the world. For free... I plan to go on a half-a-year trip around the world next year. To the States again (Western U.S.) and then Europe. 16. I call people I love around me names. If you have a nickname from me, you should be flattered. My three closest buddies are Asshole, Moron and Idiot. They call me Bitch. 17. I punched a guy once. Because he was plain irritating. Been a while since I vented my anger out like that. I have a fiery temper... its surprising, even to myself. 18. The most injury-prone part of my body is my left middle finger. From having it crushed under a boulder in Canada to having paper cuts to having numerous mishaps with the cutter, it has been through a lot. 19. I am in NUS architecture. I feel so frustrated sometimes that I think I would feel better slashing myself with the cutter. 20. I love playing with fire. I am the official BBQ-fire starter. I once started a small fire at the corridor of my late grandmother's house and played with it for hours. 21. I have a habit of turning a group of people against one particular person be it because he or she is lazy or just plain irritating. I see that as creating group dynamics. 22. I read somewhere that I might have a one-in-a-million condition. I sneeze when I have some you know...... sexual thoughts.... So the next time I sneeze, its probably cause I'm horny. Don't ask me the exact science behind this but I think its because the 'wires' in my brain would get crossed and my body reacts by sneezing. 23. Another bodily function that is like clockwork would be how I pee before and after I take a dump. Without fail. Its useful cause I know when the curtains come down on the 'show'. 24. Another thing about me is that I am heaty. That's why you see me drinking green tea or 'gui hua' most of the time. Otherwise... I would bleed from my... not nose... but ass. Like seriously bleed... profusely. More like gush out. I would feel very moody after that cause of the soreness... Sounds familiar? It used to happen monthly or bi-monthly too! 25. I am a very direct sort of person. I might sound bitchy but I say what is on my mind. Of course, I say it with humour (more like sarcasm)... So that is why people think I am sorta 'wild'. But I still think I am a good boy. That's it. 0 comments ![]() ![]() |
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