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    Mats Boleh! Part 3
    Bitched on: Thursday, February 02, 2006
    Time: 2/02/2006 03:56:00 PM

    Gosh... this will never stop huh?
    To first time readers, check out Part 1 and Part 2 before you embark on this reawakening...


    We Malays have this inferiority complex when we compare ourselves with the other races in Singapore (just look at the barber story in Part 1).

    Libertas wrote,

    "The Malay community needs to get out of the habit of having the self pitying
    refrain of "Melayu ape. Macam mana nak naik?".... Accepting this sad
    predicament only seeks to perpetuate this endless racist trend of the Malays
    being cultural inferior to the Chinese."

    Eventually, ever so often we hear the excuses that a Malay can never go far in his career or education because of this and that (oh... his employer is racist that's why the promotion went to his new Chinese colleague...Or he didn't do well because the teachers were bias against him... Or he can't find a job because they saw his name on the interview list and it said 'Mohamed...')

    Come on people, have you heard of qualifications? That's what you need to have to work... and potential employers find that appealing, you know...
    If you were an employer and you had to choose between a university graduate (only 1.9% Malays are graduates compared to 11.7%f the total population) or one without a diploma, 'A' Level or ITE certificate (27% of Malays don't), who would you choose?

    Furthermore doesn't the government pay for our education fees up to Junior College? See
    Book Review of The Singapore Dilemma. Under 'Section 152' of the Singapore Constitution.
    So sadly what happened to the 27% of the Malay students who did not move on to post-secondary education? The financial burden is surely reduced right?

    However, I won't entirely say racism is absent in Singapore. Just look at the newspapers and you will see under the employement classifieds 'must be billingual in English and Mandarin'
    Gee... Look at the Army. Ehem...

    So can it people! Stop blaming others for your own shortcoming! Take a look at what
    Cray-Z5200 said,

    "The one thing that pisses me off about this general malaise (haha!
    malay-se) is that there's always the idea that it's a general conspiracy
    against the Malay race, that people are trying to keep the Malays
    F__K YOU.
    Nobody owes you a living. Nobody is responsible for
    you own failings except yourself. Even if there is some sort of conspiracy, that
    attitude encourages people to not be proactive to do better. So go
    ahead, keep blaming everyone except yourselves, and see if the unwanted
    babies and dismal grades don't keep coming."

    To comfort yourself people, read the annual reports in our dearest SM Mr Goh Chok Tong's speech regarding our progress since a decade ago (but notice he didn't compare it to the rest of the country's population... I wonder why? Gee...)

    So before I leave, I will (blatantly copy and paste) leave you with a grim and dim parting words from Cray-Z5200,

    "And that means, Foolish Mat Tapereds, Stupid Skinheads (do you even know what the original skinhead cause was about? If you did you wouldn't even dare to
    be one) and Sluttish Minah Sexpots, that instead of worrying whether the
    haircuts and the clothes complete the look and whether you're talking loud
    enough for everyone to hear you, maybe you should start thinking about what
    you're gonna be when you actually grow up. Which is a pity, because you're
    probably about 25 already and with 2 kids."


    Okay, here is a joke to ease the pain;

    "How do you confuse a Mat?
    Ans: Put him in a circular room and tell him to elak (relax) one k
    oner (corner)"

    Chill, Relaks- All in the name of fun

    Lastest entry, Mats Boleh! Revisited....

    Take a quiz: How 'Mat' Are You?

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