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Well I be damned...
Bitched on: Saturday, December 09, 2006
I'm still not used to my hair colour!!! I was especially self-conscious of how brownish my hair was last Friday when I went to the mosque for my prayers. However, I was more appalled to see so many other youths with brighter blonder hair.Time: 12/09/2006 12:10:00 PM But better that they had come down to pray in the first place than play soccer at some street soccer court, right? At the gates of the mosque after the prayers had ended, there was a couple of teenage guys giving out pamphlets to other youths. It was for this workshop thingy held by the mosque during the December holidays. It was aimed at those aged 15 to 19. I was... ehem... flattered to get one (despite being well over the teenage years...). Its nice to know that the mosque (and MUIS, the Islamic organisation in Singapore) is trying to reach out to the younger generation now (a far cry from my time). I remember hearing 'sermons' (what's the Islamic equivalent, can someone help me out?) every single Friday; about damnation to sinners in hell for all eternity, and other unimaginable stuff capable of nightmares... It was like "this is bad, that was bad, this is not good, that is not so good, don't do this, don't do that or else..." Don't get me wrong, I have never questioned the religion and its teachings. I was just questioning its approach. In addition to that, I was trying to figure out its relevance to the present. Are Muslims still transfixed with the literal translation of the Qur'an? Come on let's face it, the holy book was created centuries ago... We should use it as a guide in our lives, that I believe, but not to the extent of cutting off the hands of thieves and stoning of an adulterous couple to death (punishments still past out in some Muslim countries to date!). But I'm not going to dwell on that right now (maybe some other day...). Speaking of relevance of Islamic laws to the present, my taggy has been flooded with a 'debate' between two of the most bimbotic people I know (other than myself and I mean it in a good way) about ear-piercing and going to hell and stuff. So to help these poor souls who are 'damned to hell' (like they said it themselves) be enlightened, I actually went online to google on what's disallowed and allowed in the holy Qur'an and more importantly, things which are relevant to today's context. So about ear piercing and other body piercings for that matter; Allah warns us against the temptings of the shayton (devil) and one of those warning is about piercing and changing the creation of Allah. So no to body piercings for both man and woman (just ear piercings for the ladies are allowed), instead (the website says) donate the money 'intended to poke holes in your body' to charity. Note: Another site has this to say; Body piercing for males is not at all permissible in Islam. Ear piercing has been permitted for females, according to some scholars. Such an exception, however, does not apply to males. Still on the topic of changing one's appearance, surgery for the sake of beautification is disallowed while surgery to correct birth deformity or post-accident scarring is permissible. Even shaping the eyebrows is not allowed... ehem... Then there are other seemingly 'small' and 'harmless' things which are also not permissible in Islam like sleeping on the stomach and contact between unrelated (and unwed) man-and-woman. Even working at a bank with dealings based on nothing but interest (because taking and giving interest is a major sin in Islam in the first place!) is haraam (not allowed). Then there are things that are not encouraged like eating at a restaurant which sells alcohol (does a kopitiam count?) and even celebrating birthdays. I admit, I am guilty of doing all of these things (yikes!!!). Blogger's Note: For more Islamic FAQs, see here. I am not implying I am some 'saint' or 'holy man'. Its just me doing some 'research' on my religion. Recently, I received some flak over my decision to post Britney Spears' panties-less pictures. A certain someone called me a disgrace because I'm a Muslim (at least that's what I think he was trying to say, his 'Engrish' wasn't as impeccable.) Whatever lah. Can't be bothered to argue with these self-proclaimed righteous and 'sin-free' people. Like they say, "Never argue with an idiot. People watching might not know the difference." Labels: religion 0 comments ![]() ![]() |
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