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Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
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Bitched on: Thursday, May 17, 2007
Another incredibly stupid mistake that will be forever etched in the history of American Idol.Time: 5/17/2007 09:30:00 PM Why?! Melinda Doolittle? Why?! Grrr.... Its definitely a shocker... She was awesome. She should have been the one! It just shows that the show is becoming more and more nonsensical and unpredictable (since the Carrie Underwood and especially the Taylor Hicks era...) But not all shockers are bad. I know of one. But I have to keep it a secret for now. A good shocker. A happy one. An incredibly happy one. Let's just say probably four know of this secret (well, five if you include the doctor). Hmmm... Now that would have been a tip. Stay tuned to know what it is... Labels: american idol, personal 0 comments |
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