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Pink Power!
Bitched on: Thursday, April 20, 2006
Meet the latest celebrities in Singapore blogosphere.Time: 4/20/2006 11:19:00 PM Colin and Kero. Some of you might have heard of them, some of you might not. For the benefit of those who haven't, they are the .. erm... couple with the alternate lifestyle. They are gay. They are homosexual. And they are out of the closet. (So way out of the closet, I think they locked the closet door and threw away the key and burnt the closet down...) They posted pictures of them on their blog. Large-sized Neoprint pictures of them hugging and stuff (nothing dirty here)... I have to admit that it was disturbing and weird at first. Reading how their (happy; cheerful) days went, their blindingly hot pink background for their blog, their terms of endearment for each other; darlin and dear, their pictures together... I mean, if not for the pictures, you would have thought it was some heterosexual couple's blog. (But that would not create any buzz, would it?) So what's the buzz? Well, just take a look at their tagboard. It's like a mini chat room or a mini MSN. Pro-gays and anti-gays debating as if its a er... debate... or something. Constant messages pouring in like 'Gays are sick' to 'Kudos for comin out' to 'Are you out of your mind to be supporting them?' My take on this? Scroll up, see the 'Queer Friendly' ribbon thingy on the top left corner? I'm not one of those Alpha males (or so they want to think they are) who threaten to kick these 'faggot's arses' or crucify these 'homos' for declaring their love on their blog. Instead I sympathised with them (I didn't say empathised hor... cos that would be an entirely different story). Why? Number One, like I have mentioned earlier, it is their blog. I say, freedom of speech (ya sure, tell it to the people invovled in the Danish caricatures hoo-hah). Number Two, though my religion (as many other countless religions) disapproves of homosexuality, I feel that no matter what, God loves us all, straight or gay. So who are we to hate or condemn them? (If you are picturing these two being tortured in hell by your God, then I'm sorry but I say, you have a very scary and unforgiving God) Number Three (which is most important), they are in love. They are so 'into each other', they put most heterosexual couple I know to shame. Kudos, for not keeping your love a secret. Kudos, for declaring it out loud. Kudos, for not being ashamed. I stumbled onto their blog while reading two of my friends' blogs recently. A guy and a girl. The guy was (as expected) condeming these two (quote; "..beat the shit out of them..") whereas the girl was (as expected) gushing on how romantic and sweet they are. I can't quite put a finger on why guys are more likely to be antipathetic than gals. Why does this stigma exist in the male population? Why the homophobia? The prejudice? Some guys generalise all gay guys as effeminate and even emasculated which is not true in some cases (like those shirtless guys viewing my profile in Friendster, they are far from the stereotypical 'sissies'...). And there are some friends, who I feel are 'softer' and more effeminate than most guys, who boasts girlfriends (I'm not naming who... Gee...) Some guys find gays irksome and sickening. Why? Its not like they are trying to pick you up or converting you into one of them, is it? I would have thought that this particular homophobic friend (the one from above) would have changed his mentality since a couple of our close friends came out of the closet about a year ago. We were close to them. Yes. We knew them so well. Yes (or so we thought... but that's a different story). The bottomline is that we are still friends and things are no different now and then. Did they make a move on us? No. Did they cause us any bodily harm? No. Did they (*gasp) molest us? Hell no. Are they actually extraterrestrial lifeforms in disguise? Are they mutants now? Last time I checked, they still breathe oxygen and have not joined the X-Men. So I say stop the prejudice and accept that some people have different sexual orientation than you. I truly hope that this homophobic friend of mine is not serious about beating the shit out of them. Because homophobia is not a light matter in some countries. Instead, it can be a matter of life and death. You can pay with your life if you ever declared yourself gay in some Asian communities. And it is sad how these people have to live in fear and in denial all their lives. Just look at 'Brokeback Mountain' (yes, the gay cowboy movie, which is to me, more than that). The movie is about suppressing true love, creating pseudo-heterosexual-marriages that society selfishly expects and the occasional fatal backlash against the gay communities. Something tells me that this will not be my last entry on homosexuals. And that I have just contributed to the already increasing readership for Colin and Kero's blog. Before I sign off, I leave you some words from Kero (or izzit Colin?)... "... u hate us because u fear us, u fear us because u dont understand us.. i believe most (of you) watched the X-men? the situation is somehow similar, mutants desperately trying to fit into the society despite the difference.. lols..." Another related entry: Gay Magnet? Labels: gay 2 comments ![]() ![]() |
Opulently I agree but I contemplate the brief should acquire more info then it has.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
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