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Welcome to my Life.
Bitched on: Saturday, June 03, 2006
Long time no blog!!!Time: 6/03/2006 08:13:00 PM A couple of my friends have been bugging me, WHY? Did I die? Have I started showering again? (well yes, the toilet is fixed..) Well, I have been compiling all my loser short stories. Ya rite... I have so many of them... I should be a writer, no? Haha... But I re-read some of my blog entries and I realised something, what happened to all my intelligent entries? I have none! My entries are so 'duh'. Its not 'blah' but its definitely 'duh'. Its so incredibly pointless. So whine-y... So loser-ish (especially the previous one). Okok, nuf about that. Here's to all who enjoy a good laugh. My life the past week. ~Dye Over and Over Again...~ To those who don't already know I tried to DIY (do-it-yourself) dye my hair... My natural hair colour is black. And it was brown a month back. Now it was time to re-dye my faded hair colour. (Because I was trying to save money), I tried DIY (so much cheaper...) Well, I decided to be adventurous and himbotic... And go (gasp) blonde.... Yes, ladies and gentleman, blonde... Following an advice from this friend of mine, I dyed my eyebrows too... Well, to cut the story short, I ended up with flaming ORANGE hair. To make matters worst, my eyebrows became bright orange! I looked like one of those ginger kids (redheads with freakles) but it was all ORANGE. I panicked. My parents flipped. My sisters teased me. I was like, OH MY GOD. I looked like a freak... So clever me, dyed my hair again with the same dye (I had some left, my hair is short mah...). And I got my blonde. But I looked so weird... I was so embarassed to leave my house! Well, in the end, I bought black dye (with my mum's help) to tone down the hair colour. I just left the dye on for 5 minutes before washing it off. But it was too late to save any inch of my brown-ness. Hair colour now, Jet-Black... sigh... Back to square one. ~LOST~ I have been living in the Jurong West area all my life and I am very ashamed to say that I got lost in my own turf! Sigh... 21 years in Jurong West, and still I was like a lost sheep when all I wanted to do was go to Jurong Point! It was only a few stops away from my house but still I managed to find my stupid self at Jurong Port Road! Yes! Jurong Port Road!!! Where all the factories are!!!! Where Jurong Island is (I think?)!!! Oh my God. How stupid can one be? I kept telling me myself that the bus was taking a long long detour to the shopping centre (until I called my friend, only then did I realise that I was LOST) I panicked, cause the road was ONE WAY where I alighted! How was I suppose to take the bus on the other side of the road? To cut long story short, I took 1.5 hour to go to the shopping centre when it could have taken me just 15 minutes... So dumb... Note to self: 98 doesn't go to Jurong Point... duh... ~Life is Short...~ Finally, a serious blog. Nah, not really... Far from it. It took me a flying insect to realise how short my life is. I was planning to have an egg (my favourite sunny side up) for my dinner, so I had the oil heated in the frying pan. When this flying insect kamikaze-ed into the oil... sizzle... (*smoke) I will never forget the sound... or the smell for that matter... I lost my appetite that night (who wouldn't?) But it got me thinking, poor poor insect... I mean it only has a lifespan of what? 1 week? And instead of dying naturally, it had to die the worst death imaginable... Life is short, I say. And I have always imagined myself 50 years from now, old, retired and wrinkled. But now, who am I suppose to predict that? Who knows... I might get knock down by a car the next day. So I'm living my life to the fullest now... (not now... maybe later... so lazy lah...) Try everything new once. Fancy a crispy deep fried insect anyone? Labels: loser moments, personal 0 comments ![]() ![]() |
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